Monday, September 15, 2008

Senior Exhibit Photos

Photos Final Project

Final Project

These are some of the chairs i used for my final project in photo two. in this class we used a program called "light room" to alter and correct our photos. the chairs that i have posted are raw, meaning that i have not altered them at all, they are imported from my digital camera and posted as they were. The series of chairs are now in a gallery in Joplin, Missouri and will be displayed until late October.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Grandma's House

These images were taken a couple weekends ago at my friends Grandma's house. She is in her 90's and has not changed the furniture much since the early 1970's. The style of the chairs, the material they are made up of and the color scream the decade in which they were popular. I think they are really cool and the fact that they still exsit in their near perfect condition is really cool and makes for great conversation if anything. The first image is of her dining room chairs. The second two are of her and her husbands chair. I love the orange and yellow, who has chairs like that anymore? And finally since I've been quite attached to folding chairs this semester, the emercency chair she kept in the closet for an unexpected extra person who didn't have a place to sit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weede Chairs

These three images were taken during the set up of the After Dark concert in the Weede. I love folding chairs because they are freaking everywhere! These were all set up in a semi-circle around the stage where the bad would play later that night. I really liked the number of them there were, all alike, all set up in the same manner. Kinda weird if you think about it but cool at the same time.

Friday, March 28, 2008

These images were all taken from one day of walking around looking for interesting groups of chairs in and around campus. The first set of chairs was in the Weede building. They had just been picked up from the previous nights basketball game. I think it is cool out this particular type of chair compacts and is stored so differently than any other kind of chairs we use. The other set were randomly placed outside of an office room while it was being cleaned. I think the different patterns on the chairs and their varying sizes are interesting. None of the chairs match yet they all come from within the same very tiny office that only one woman works in. After a tough day of taking pictures of chairs I needed to go have a drink. The last group of chairs is from the bar across the street from the school. These types of chairs are always associated with bars, hence the name bar stool. They were all lined up along the wall near two pool tables. Their identical shapes and sizes make me think of the hundreds or maybe thousands of different people who have sat in them while drinking and hanging out with their friends.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Here are some chairs I shot friday with my digital camera on the black and white setting. They are chairs that I use and see on almost a daily basis. The first three are from Mrs. Schick's jewelry room. Since my emphasis is in jewelry I have the good fortune of spending countless hours sitting in these chairs sketching, sawing, hammering or socializing. They and I know eachother well and I think it is really cool how each of them are so different yet the same piece of jewelry is made by moving from one to another. The last one, and there will be more are from my job on campus. This image is of one of the football coach's chairs. In the last 4 years I have worked there I have seen him recruiting, schmoozing, and yelling at various players and parents. His job is not only accomplished on the football field, but also in that chair.